Thursday, May 7, 2009

SIGHT SEEING. I took a much needed trip to Soho the other day, one of many stops that day. A random Tuesday is the best time to go shopping, and definitely the best time to avoid the chaos at Top shop. I purposely avoided going for weeks when it first opened because of the crowds. (Also because I am selfish and hate when things that are kind of secretive and exclusive become mainstream.) Anyway, I still was overwhelmed by the store merely because there was a whole lot to ingest, and I hope that doesn't end up working against them, in the effect that it intimidates people from shopping. I did get some really cool earrings though. I then proceeded to scoot on down to the BFF's job, ate, chatted. More shopping. I saw this really cool sculpture in the window display of the DIESEL STORE. That sparked something...I started paying unusually close attention to everything and everyone. Saw this really cool girl in the sale section of H&M. Her name is ISIS. What an eventful day... 6 hours late I had some stuff that made me happy. Some people work out I shop.


  1. Very cute outfit for the first pic. I need to go to TOPSHOP.





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A complicated indiviual with a simple objective. Bring the vision from the spinning wheels in my head to the masses. Fashion is the insulin in my diabetic world.